How much is 1000 points Branded Surveys

How much is 1000 points Branded Surveys

1000 points on Branded Surveys is worth $10.

Branded Surveys is a survey aggregater, which means it collaborates with other companies in market research to offer customers surveys. You are paid in points if you participate in surveys on Branded Surveys.

These points can be exchanged for gift cards, cash, or donations to charity. Points are worth one cent, meaning 1000 points are worth 10 dollars.

You must have at least 500 points in the account to redeem your points. You can exchange your points for cash via PayPal and bank transfers or redeem them into gift cards for various retailers, such as Amazon, Walmart, and Target.

Here are the steps on how to redeem your points on Branded Surveys:

  • Visit your Branded Surveys account dashboard.
  • Click on “My Points” on the left-hand side menu.
  • Press on the “Choose Payout Option” button.
  • Choose the payout option you want to use.
  • Enter the required information, such as your PayPal email address or mailing address.
  • Click on the “Redeem” button.

Here are the different payout options available on Branded Surveys:

Payout OptionMinimum Points Required
Cash (PayPal)500
Cash (Bank Transfer)500
Gift Card (Amazon)500
Gift Card (Walmart)500
Gift Card (Target)500
Gift Card (Starbucks)500
Gift Card (Google Play)500

Branded Surveys is a legitimate survey site offering customers a payment in exchange for time. It’s an excellent opportunity to earn a little extra cash during your free time; however, it is crucial to remember that you won’t make a fortune from surveys.

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